
Uptown is proud to introduce the first truly independent testing service for municipal wireless networks.

Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)

The ultimate in broadband technology, FTTP is now the network of choice...

Broadband over Power Line (BPL)

BPL has captured the imagination of most electric utility managers since it was introduced years ago...


Wireless is a technology that can work wonders for municipalities...


WiVerifi in PC World
WiVerifi in IT-Wireless




Wireless is a technology that can work wonders for municipalities. It is also one of the most misunderstood broadband technologies in the world today. Uptown has the wireless experience to understand where wireless fits and where it doesn’t.

Wireless comes in many flavors and sizes. Many of the most compelling wireless applications require licenses from the FCC. On the other hand, Wi-Fi networks do not require any licenses at all. Other key characteristics of wireless technologies are power, line of site requirements and bandwidth availability. These factors will determine whether the given system will support mobility, real time communication and/or high speed data services. Uptown actually deployed the first phase of the point to multipoint Wi-Fi system in use today by Provo City Power. Through this type of experience and broad industry knowledge, we have the insight required to evaluate the best wireless strategy for your specific situation.

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